When you’re in a financial bind, you have no choice but to go to your nearest bank and apply for a loan. However, there’s no guarantee that the bank will accept your loan, with the reason being you have a bad credit score.
Spending hours in a bank just to get your loan rejected in a bank is undoubtedly frustrating. However, don’t worry because there’s still a way for you to get a loan—and that comes in the form of pawnshops loans.
To define pawning, it’s where a person can get a loan with their personal items used as collateral. The best thing about this is that many items can pass up for pawning, such as jewelry, tools, or pretty much any personal item in your possession.
To know more about how pawnshop loans work, read below.
In essence, pawnshops are like the average lender. Pawnbrokers will lend you an amount of money that you have to repay with additional interest. The loans they’ll give you are considered secured loans, which is where your property comes in. The property that you will bring to them will be used as collateral.
It’s also where the fine line between bank lenders and pawnshops is. Pawnshops hold onto your property until the loan is paid. If you can’t repay the pawn shop’s lawn in the amount of time given, your property is then sold in their shop.
Your collateral in itself is also a big difference between a pawn shop and a regular lender. With a pawnshop loan, your collateral can be small. Everyday items that are pawned are usually jewelry because they can be high in value. A significant drawback to this is that since the item you pawned is small, the amount of money you’ll get is considerably tiny too.
Now that you know how pawn shops work, it’s time to understand the benefits of getting pawnshop loans:
#1: You Can Immediately Get Your Money
Payments that need to be settled immediately are standard, such as utility shutoffs for water or electricity. Bank loans take some time before getting approved, so obviously, you’ll need the money almost immediately. Aside from that, bank loans require a lot of paperwork and documents to verify your identity.
When you get a pawn loan, you receive the cash immediately. Not only that, but the pawnshop won’t ask for any other documentation aside from an ID. You also only have to sign some forms to confirm that your item isn’t stolen as well. However, you need to determine the actual value of your item, and you should also choose a good amount to loan against it.
#2: Your Credit Isn’t Affected
When applying for a bank loan, the bank evaluates your chances of getting a loan through your credit score. Your credit score is affected by a number of factors, such as how much you’re taking credit and how long until those credits are paid back.
Pawnshops operate on a much smaller scale, and they don’t evaluate credit. Instead, how much money you get entirely depends on your collateral, which is the item that you bring to them.
#3: You Can Get More Than One Loan
Banks can only give you one loan at a time. If you face another financial crisis just as you got past the previous one, it can be challenging because you don’t have the money.
On the other hand, pawn shops can give you another loan even if you’re still paying for the previous loan. This will continue to be the case as long as you have a valuable item to pawn to them.
Pawnshops are a huge lifesaver, especially if you’re in dire need of money immediately. You can pawn your valuable items to them to get a loan, and you can also get them back as long as you pay for the loan back within a specific period.
If you’re looking to pawn an item of yours, River City Pawn Shop is the pawnshop for you! We will take care of your items until you’re able to pay back for them. Contact us today for more information!
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