Making it Big at a Pawnshop: 5 Items You Should Sell
Pawn shops are great places to bring your excess belongings, from antique furniture to an extra microwave. When bringing items to sell to a pawn shop, you’re typically getting a loan off of your item’s worth. Since pawn shops make their income from resales, the most they can pay for your items is about 50% of its value. This is necessary if you’re interested in getting quick cash in exchange for pawning goods.
After 30 days, you must have paid the loaned amount and a percentage in fees to get back your valuables. However, many people don’t intend to get back their valuables, which is where pawn shops get to resell these items for profit. To take advantage of a pawn shop’s loaning strategy, you need to determine the best items to sell.
Selling your items to a pawn shop is an excellent way to secure a loan if you need quick cash and you don’t want to go through a lengthy approval process. In simple terms, pawning your item is similar to using collateral to determine the value of your loan. Instead of putting your home or car at stake, your toaster or laptop can serve the same exchange in a pawn shop.
1. Power Tools
Anything that has practical use in a home will always fetch a reasonable price in a pawn shop, especially if it’s in good working condition. You’ll even get a chance to haggle for a higher exchange if you bring a full set of tools or extra accessories.
2. Electronics
Pre-owned electronics like old phones and laptops are some of the easier items to value at a pawn shop. Additionally, you won’t be surprised by their offer if you can defend that your item’s in good condition. However, keep in mind that some online marketplaces may pay more for these products with the right bid.
3. Recreational Vehicles
If you’ve got a spare jet ski or golf cart in hand, you may want to sell it to a pawn shop instead. These items naturally have a high market value but are notoriously troublesome to sell. This is why it’s better to sell them to a pawnshop for your convenience.
4. Guns
Surprisingly, guns are commonly pawned items that can fetch a high price. This remains true whether you’re bringing a recent purchase or antique. Just remember that different state laws have regulations on pawning and buying guns from a pawn shop. For this reason, you need to ensure that you follow the proper procedures and have the right paperwork.
5. Jewelry
The most common item to sell at pawn shops is jewelry, which is why pawn shop owners need to be experts in determining a product’s value and authenticity. Since pawn shops want to get the most profit from your jewelry, you need to have a good idea of your item’s market price. Additionally, it will help to have an expert jeweler gauge its price in terms of the precious metals it contains. This will give you better leverage when haggling for its final price.
Keep in mind that pawn shops don’t want to receive junk, so it’s important to choose high resale value items to sell. Like any bank or lender, some pawn shops may have preferences on some items over others. For this reason, you should do your research before bringing your valuables to sell on-site.
If you're looking for a pawn shop in Henderson, KY, you're in the right place. At River City Pawns, we can give you the right value for your pre-loved belongings. Visit our store today and we'll see how much you can earn from our exchange!
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